Coupon or Discount Code Terms & Conditions

  • Coupons are valid for a limited time and only until the specified expiration date.
  • Promotional coupon codes may not be combined with other discounts or sales incentives. Only one promotion code can be used per order.
  • Where stated all terms of the promotion must be met prior to discount being applied i.e. minimum spend.
  • Applicable shipping and handling charges apply to all products unless otherwise stated.
  • One use per customer.
  • Coupons are void if restricted or prohibited by law.

 Coupon code: LOVE15 is only valid until 02/17/2019 11:59pm EST. 

  • FREE Domestic Shipping is for the US Only and calculated once all discounts are applied.
  • Discount is not retroactive, redeemable for cash or store credit.
  • Pickled products and Bloody Mary mix's are excluded from any " FREE Shipping" offer.
  • Subscriptions and Gift Cards are excluded from this offer.